Advice and insights for employers

What is Your ‘Employer Brand’? | JGP

Written by Lauren Fowles | Oct 27, 2021 3:36:56 PM

From your company logo through to the occasional branded mug or fact sheet, every organisation has an element of brand that their audience associates with them. Brand awareness is an essential part of building your organisation’s reputation with the public. But how would a prospective employee perceive your workplace from your brand?

When developing your employer brand, you need to consider the platforms at your disposal (such as social media and your website). How you want these to differ from your regular brand positioning.

Tone of voice

To your audience, you may want to convey a professional tone by using more formal language in your brochures or web pages, to instil a sense of authority. However, this might not be the same approach that will encourage candidates to seek employment with you.

A good example of this would be within adult social care. It’s important to those seeking aid that you come across as well-informed and qualified, as you’ll be aiming your content towards the senior community. However, those as young as 16 or 17 can seek a career within social care, so it’s important that your outreach also engages with them.

Case studies               

These are an essential part of developing trust. When you’re trying to encourage new prospects to use your product or service, case studies will show that your organisation has a history of achieving results. The same format can be used to increase faith in you as an employer. Candidates are more likely to apply for roles when there is strong evidence of a positive work environment.

Employee case studies can be in the form of testimonials on your careers page. Or, if you have the tools available, through a company employment video.

Review sites

Whether we’re trying out a new product or making a first-time purchase from a new company. We often check reviews from previous customers to make sure we’re getting what we signed up for. The same goes for the employment market.

Many job seekers visit Glassdoor when researching an employer. Which is an online review site where employees rate their places of work. Although you as an employer have no control over what people write on their review, being quick to respond to both positive and negative feedback speaks volumes.

It can be difficult to display a strong employer brand on your main website or social accounts. Which is why many of our clients work with us to develop career microsites. These allow them to put their best foot forward during the hiring process.

Do you know the difference between an Employer Brand and an Employee Value Proposition? Download our free whitepaper to find out.