How Do I Shortlist and Schedule Interviews?

This section contains all the settings you need to do online shortlisting and schedule interviews

Shortlisting Criteria

Using shortlisting criteria has massive benefits - you can sort applicants by total and average score before shortlisting them and see instantly if a minimum score hasn’t been met. Here’s how to set up criteria in advance, but you can also add these in the shortlisting section of any vacancy.

Code: add a memorable code for this criteria: this will be used where there isn’t screen-space to show the full criteria to shortlisters on-screen, but they can always hover over it to see the full title.

Name: Briefly label this criteria

Description: Give a fuller description of the criteria if you wish

Numeric Scoring: Decide if this criteria should be scored numerically (1, 2, 3 etc) or not. If this field isn’t ticked, the system will use Not Met, Partially Met and Fully Met (with the values of 0, 1, 2 for averaging/ sorting purposes).

Maximum Score: if Numeric Scoring is on, you can set a maximum possible score for the criteria if you wish. The minimum possible is always 0.

Minimum Required Score: if applicable to your organisation, you can choose a minimum required score, or passing score – applicants who score below this for this criteria will have that score highlighted in red on the score summary. This is useful for organisations that require candidates to have a passing score for each criteria to progress to interview.

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Interview Types

Interview Types are nice and simple - they’re just the type of interviews you offer, like Assessments, One-toOne, Panel Interview and so on.

To add an Interview Type just go to Settings > Interview & Shortlisting > Interview Types, type a name for your type and click Save.

Interview Location Types

Before you can setup Interview Locations (see below), you’ll need a couple of Interview Location Types - these just tell the system what kind of location it is, and let you tell applicants this when you contact them if you wish.

To add an Interview Location Type just go to Settings > Interview & Shortlisting > Interview Location Types, type a name for your type and click Save.

Interview Locations

These are the actual locations of your interviews, which are set up here so you can use them in email templates (for example telling applicants where to go for their interview!).

To add an Interview Location go to Settings > Interview & Shortlisting > Interview Locations.

Name: the location, e.g. the address of the interview location

Interview Location Type: choose a type of interview that happens in this location

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