Interviews: Communicating

Once you’ve scheduled applicants or opened selfservice slots, you’ll want to let these applicants know they’ve got an interview!

Go back to the Application List by clicking the Applications tab, and filter the list to show the applicants you’ll be interviewing.

Select these applicants and click Contact > Contact Applicants to load the contact screen.

Choose a template relevant to the type of interviews you’re offering;

  • If you’ve scheduled applicants, you’ll need a template that tells them when and where their interview is and how to confirm they can make it.
  • If you’ve opened self-service slots for applicants, you’ll need a template to let them know they can pick a slot in their account, and any other interview information they’ll need before they arrive.

Remember if you don’t already have a template set up you can create a new one at any time by going to Settings > Contact Applicants > Email Management - see the Email Management page for more information.

That’s it - your applicants now know they have an interview! The only thing left is to check they can attend and provide the interview panel with the interview schedule, which we’ll discuss next.

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