Is sustainability part of your EVP?

It’s no secret that hiring in the current job market is difficult. With threats of the Great Resignation still looming following the COVID-19 pandemic, employees are more likely than ever to seek new opportunities if they’re unhappy with their current workplace. In order to reduce turnover and attract new candidates, your Employer Value Proposition (EVP) is more important than ever.

A key theme in EVP in 2022 is sustainability. Indeed, over 70% of employers surveyed by Appcast globally claim that environmental responsibility matters to their organisation more now than in the previous year. If this topic isn’t on your agenda when it comes to selling your EVP, this is why it should be!

The importance of sustainability for hiring

The threat of climate change is particularly prevalent for younger generations. The demographic of people in employment is gradually getting younger, with most of the workforce now comprised of Millennials. Moreover, now that the first cohorts of Generation Z are leaving school or university and joining the workforce, this trend towards environmental consciousness is only due to increase.

A study by Prospects demonstrates that three quarters of Millennials would be willing to take a smaller salary if they worked for a carbon-conscious organisation. This fact is particularly striking given the current cost of living crisis in the UK. With competition for qualified candidates at an all-time high, it is crucial to make sustainability a key element of your branding as an employer.

Focussing on sustainability will also reduce turnover, decreasing the need to fill extra gaps in your staff. People Management found that three quarters of employees wished that their organisation was more transparent about their sustainability agenda. Moreover, only 15% of employees feel that their company’s initiatives actually have an impact.

How can you highlight your initiatives?

We know that sustainability is important for attracting candidates in a difficult market and retaining current employees. But how can your organisation shout about its initiatives to potential hires?

When it comes to EVP, your own employees are your strongest asset. Encouraging your staff to share their efforts to partake in your company’s strategy online with a branded hashtag can help build visibility of your sustainability initiatives.

Additionally, it’s important to remember that candidates frequently research an organisation in depth before deciding whether to fill in an application form. Citing your values as an institution on your website and social media is key to engaging with those candidates for whom sustainability is a key issue.

You can also engage candidates who are already in the hiring funnel by having your hiring managers highlight sustainability initiatives in job adverts and even in interviews. This is the perfect opportunity to let prospective hires know what role they can play in your organisation’s overall culture and demonstrate that their concerns align with yours as an employer.

What do candidates want to see?

Here are some ideas of things candidates may wish to know when researching your organisation’s EVP:

  • Do you offer flexible working to help employees reduce emissions from commuting?
  • Where on-site working is necessary, how does your organisation encourage greener modes of transport?
  • Are you doing everything possible to make your procurement process sustainable and ethical?
  • Are you taking steps to run your office environment (or encouraging employees at home) renewably and reduce waste?
  • Do you encourage employees to eat more sustainably in the office? For example, having one meat-free day can help to reduce employees’ carbon footprint

If your organisation is already addressing these issues but you’re not talking about them, you could be missing out on those all-important jobseekers.

Is your EVP helping you to attract and retain the best candidates? For more information on how you can tailor your EVP to prospective public sector employees, download our free eBook today!

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